About RBOC N+

RBOC Network + Project Summary

The RBOC (Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities) Network Plus is designed to create new knowledge, new capabilities and new opportunities for collaboration to help the UK prepare for security threats in the coming decades. The starting point is a scenario of a catastrophic attack on digital and energy networks in the year 2051. RBOC N+ will convene some of the UK's leading experts in engineering, physical sciences, mathematics, health sciences, social and behavioural sciences, arts and humanities, and cross-disciplinary topics such as AI, security studies and urban planning, together with government and industry, to refine, deepen and test this scenario and to use it to create immersive simulations .

RBOC N+ Funding

RBOC Network + is funded by EPSRC & DST

Project Funder

RBOC N+ funded by EPSRC

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Grant Details

RBOC N+ Ref EP/X009947/1

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Our Objectives

RBOC N+ Core Objectives


In responding to the scenario, the RBOC Network+ will investigate what capabilities, techniques and vulnerabilities could be exploited by adversaries to mount high-impact attacks against the UK, and what capabilities (technological, organisational, legal and behavioural) could be used by public authorities (central government, local authorities, first responders) to prepare for and respond to such attacks.


To develop, accelerate and apply these capabilities to prepare for, respond to, recover, and mitigate threats, the N+ will lead and facilitate the production of original research using novel combinations of disciplines and methods, and build new relationships between researchers and policy makers and practitioners in government and industry. It will also develop a ‘safe-space’ simulator for modelling the scenario with outputs providing insight to policy and practice implications, impacts and research gaps.


RBOC’s research and networks will initiate and facilitate the creation of new understanding and capabilities for government and industry to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impacts of major attacks from hostile actors.

RBOC Network+ Management

Meet our Management Team

Community Advisory Board

An integral part of the strategic direction and success of the RBOC Network+

The Community Advisory Board is designed to provide strategic guidance to the RBOC Network+ Director and the wider Management Team with activities related to:

  • Ensuring that the RBOC Network+ makes a significant contribution to enhancing the relationship between academia, policy and practice in areas of future resilience
  • Providing strategic direction and guidance on the topics that are commissioned through the Flexible Research Funding
  • Enhancing and Promoting the RBOC Network+  


Project Partners

RBOC N+ Project Partners include:

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