Project Information

Digital twinning for crisis response in transport-based scenarios: Establishing the opportunities, challenges, vulnerabilities, and risks

In 2024, RBOC Network+ and Digital Twin Network+ were awarded additional funding to explore how digital twins could enhance or challenge how the UK responds to crises. This funding has enabled the development of DTBOC - an initiative designed to develop knowledge and understanding of the value of digital twins for enhancing UK resilience.

It is funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) by the UK Department for Transport (DfT). The aim is to deliver a step change in UK digital twinning capability to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from scenarios identified in the National Risk Register.

Key aspects include:

  • Focusing on a resilience-based framework for digital twinning in transport scenarios
  • Addressing single and multi-hazard scenarios impacting transport systems
  • Exploring socio-technical research questions about digital twins in crisis management
  • Building a community at the intersection of RBOC N+ and DTNet+
  • Defining value propositions based on stakeholder needs
  • Conducting feasibility studies
  • Running a funding competition for 3-5 small-scale research projects


The methodology involves community building, stakeholder engagement, sandpit events, and funded research projects. The project emphasizes national importance, trusted research practices, and engagement with key stakeholders like the Department for Transport.

Start and end dates: 01 Mar 2024 - 28 Feb 2025

Names of Co-Investigators & their organisational affiliation:

  • Professor David McIlhatton, Coventry University
  • Professor David Wagg, Alan Turing Institute
  • Dr Matt Tipuric, Alan Turing Institute
  • Dr Adam J. Fenton, Coventry University


For more information contact: RBOC Network+ or DT Network+

The project has received approval from the Coventry University Ethics Committee reference number Project P179927

Digital twinning for crisis response in transport-based scenarios: Establishing the opportunities, challenges, vulnerabilities, and risks

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